PostCSS & Tailwind


PostCSS is a compiler for CSS. It enables buildtime transformation of CSS files to convert SCSS, LESS, or other CSS-like languages into standard CSS. It also has utilities for polyfills and browser-specific prefixes. I think of it like a swiss-army knife for CSS: it helps ensure that your styling intentions are actually rendered uniformily across browsers.

PostCSS support is handled as a buildtime plugin with Mountaineer. It's disabled by default. To enable, make sure you have postcss-cli installed within your views project:

npm install postcss-cli

After this you can leverage the PostCSSBundler within your custom build pipeline:

from mountaineer.client_compiler.postcss import PostCSSBundler

controller = AppController(

Adding the PostCSSBundler will find all the .css that you have specified within your views directory and pass them through PostCSS. Let's say you have the following CSS files:


The compiler will pass each through PostCSS and deposit these artifacts into:


You can then import this CSS file in whatever <meta> tag is relevant to your project. See the metadata documentation for more details on how to do this.


Tailwind uses PostCSS to handle the tree shaking and project analysis that allows it to output the minimal amount of CSS tags to correctly render your project. If you set up the PostCSS extension like described above, you should be able to follow the typical Tailwind setup steps.

// views/app/tailwind.config.ts
module.exports = {
  content: ["./app/**/*.{html,tsx,jsx,ts,js}"],
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  plugins: [],
/* views/app/main.css */
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

Then export the built styles into your global metadata:

controller = AppController(
        links=[LinkAttribute(rel="stylesheet", href="/static/app_main.css")]