Queries allow you to retrieve data from your database. Every query you build with ORM objects
is a subclass of QueryBuilder
at its base. This class provides a number of methods to help you
construct your query and pass the correct types for downstream processing.
We offer convenience functions for the most common SQL operations. This avoids
the need to instantiate a QueryBuilder
directly every time you want a new SQL
query and typically results in cleaner code.
Creates a SELECT query to fetch data from the database. This is a shortcut function that creates and returns a new QueryBuilder instance.
- Name
- Type
- T | Type[T] | tuple[T | Type[T]] | tuple[T | Type[T], T2 | Type[T2]] | tuple[T | Type[T], T2 | Type[T2], T3 | Type[T3]] | tuple[T | Type[T], T2 | Type[T2], T3 | Type[T3], T4 | Type[T4]] | tuple[T | Type[T], T2 | Type[T2], T3 | Type[T3], T4 | Type[T4], T5 | Type[T5]] | tuple[T | Type[T], T2 | Type[T2], T3 | Type[T3], T4 | Type[T4], T5 | Type[T5], T6 | Type[T6]] | tuple[T | Type[T], T2 | Type[T2], T3 | Type[T3], T4 | Type[T4], T5 | Type[T5], T6 | Type[T6], T7 | Type[T7]] | tuple[T | Type[T], T2 | Type[T2], T3 | Type[T3], T4 | Type[T4], T5 | Type[T5], T6 | Type[T6], T7 | Type[T7], T8 | Type[T8]] | tuple[T | Type[T], T2 | Type[T2], T3 | Type[T3], T4 | Type[T4], T5 | Type[T5], T6 | Type[T6], T7 | Type[T7], T8 | Type[T8], T9 | Type[T9]] | tuple[T | Type[T], T2 | Type[T2], T3 | Type[T3], T4 | Type[T4], T5 | Type[T5], T6 | Type[T6], T7 | Type[T7], T8 | Type[T8], T9 | Type[T9], T10 | Type[T10]] | tuple[T | Type[T], T2 | Type[T2], T3 | Type[T3], T4 | Type[T4], T5 | Type[T5], T6 | Type[T6], T7 | Type[T7], T8 | Type[T8], T9 | Type[T9], T10 | Type[T10], *Ts]
- Description
The fields to select. Can be: - A single field or model class (e.g., User.id or User) - A tuple of fields (e.g., (User.id, User.name)) - A tuple of model classes (e.g., (User, Post))
# Select all fields from User users = await conn.execute(select(User)) # Select specific fields results = await conn.execute(select((User.id, User.name))) # Select with conditions active_users = await conn.execute( select(User) .where(User.is_active == True) .order_by(User.created_at, "DESC") .limit(10) )
Creates an UPDATE query to modify existing records in the database. This is a shortcut function that creates and returns a new QueryBuilder instance.
- Name
- Type
- Type[TableBase]
- Description
The model class representing the table to update
# Update all users' status await conn.execute( update(User) .set(User.status, "inactive") .where(User.last_login < datetime.now() - timedelta(days=30)) ) # Update multiple fields with conditions await conn.execute( update(User) .set(User.verified, True) .set(User.verification_date, datetime.now()) .where(User.email_confirmed == True) )
Creates a DELETE query to remove records from the database. This is a shortcut function that creates and returns a new QueryBuilder instance.
- Name
- Type
- Type[TableBase]
- Description
The model class representing the table to delete from
# Delete inactive users await conn.execute( delete(User) .where(User.is_active == False) ) # Delete with complex conditions await conn.execute( delete(User) .where( and_( User.created_at < datetime.now() - timedelta(days=90), User.email_confirmed == False ) ) )
Raw Queries
The QueryBuilder owns all construction of the SQL string given python method chaining. Each function call returns a reference to self, so you can construct as many queries as you want in a single line of code.
Internally we store most input-arguments as-is. We provide runtime value-checking to make sure the right objects are being passed in to query manipulation functions so our final build() will deterministically succeed if the query build was successful.
Note that this runtime check-checking validates different types than the static
analysis. To satisfy Python logical operations (like join(ModelA.id == ModelB.id)
) we
have many overloaded operators that return objects at runtime but are masked to their
Python types for the purposes of static analysis. This implementation detail should
be transparent to the user but is noted in case you see different types through
runtime inspection than you see during the typehints.
Class Methods
- Name
- Return type
- QueryBuilder[T, Literal['SELECT']] | QueryBuilder[tuple[T], Literal['SELECT']] | QueryBuilder[tuple[T, T2], Literal['SELECT']] | QueryBuilder[tuple[T, T2, T3], Literal['SELECT']] | QueryBuilder[tuple[T, T2, T3, T4], Literal['SELECT']] | QueryBuilder[tuple[T, T2, T3, T4, T5], Literal['SELECT']] | QueryBuilder[tuple[T, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6], Literal['SELECT']] | QueryBuilder[tuple[T, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7], Literal['SELECT']] | QueryBuilder[tuple[T, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8], Literal['SELECT']] | QueryBuilder[tuple[T, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9], Literal['SELECT']] | QueryBuilder[tuple[T, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10], Literal['SELECT']] | QueryBuilder[tuple[T, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, *Ts], Literal['SELECT']]
- Description
Creates a SELECT query to fetch data from the database.
- Name
- Return type
- QueryBuilder[None, Literal['UPDATE']]
- Description
Creates a new update query for the given model. Returns the same QueryBuilder that is now flagged as an UPDATE query.
- Name
- Return type
- QueryBuilder[None, Literal['DELETE']]
- Description
Creates a new delete query for the given model. Returns the same QueryBuilder that is now flagged as a DELETE query.
- Name
- Return type
- Description
Adds WHERE conditions to filter the query results. Multiple conditions are combined with AND. For OR conditions, use the
- Name
- Return type
- Description
Adds an ORDER BY clause to sort the query results.
- Name
- Return type
- Description
Adds a JOIN clause to combine data from multiple tables.
- Name
- Return type
- Description
Sets a column to a specific value in an update query.
- Name
- Return type
- Description
Limits the number of rows returned by the query.
- Name
- Return type
- Description
Skips the specified number of rows before returning results.
- Name
- Return type
- Description
Groups the results by specified fields, typically used with aggregate functions.
- Name
- Return type
- Description
Adds HAVING conditions to filter grouped results based on aggregate values.
- Name
- Return type
- Description
Adds a DISTINCT ON clause to remove duplicate rows based on specified fields.
- Name
- Return type
- Description
Uses a raw SQL query instead of the query builder.
- Name
- Return type
- QueryBuilder[P, QueryType]
- Description
Adds FOR UPDATE clause to the query. This is useful for pessimistic locking. Multiple calls will be combined, with the most restrictive options taking precedence.
- Name
- Return type
- tuple[str, list[Any]]
- Description
Builds and returns the final SQL query string and parameter values.
# Basic SELECT query query = ( QueryBuilder() .select(User) .where(User.is_active == True) .order_by(User.created_at, "DESC") ) # Complex query with joins and aggregates query = ( QueryBuilder() .select((User.name, func.count(Order.id))) .join(Order, Order.user_id == User.id) .where(Order.status == "completed") .group_by(User.name) .having(func.count(Order.id) > 5) )
Represents metadata for SQL aggregate functions and other SQL function operations. This class bridges the gap between Python function calls and their SQL representations, maintaining type information and original field references.
Class Constructor
- Name
- Type
- QueryLiteral
- Description
The SQL representation of the function call
- Name
- Type
- DBFieldClassDefinition
- Description
The database field this function operates on
- Name
- Type
- str | None
- Description
Default: None
Optional alias for the function result in the query
Class Methods
- Name
- Return type
- Description
Converts the function metadata to its SQL representation.
# Internal representation of function calls: metadata = FunctionMetadata( literal=QueryLiteral("count(users.id)"), original_field=User.id, local_name="user_count" ) # Used in query: SELECT count(users.id) AS user_count
Abstract base class for database fields that can be used in comparisons. Provides standard comparison operators and methods for SQL query generation.
This class implements Python's comparison magic methods (eq, ne, etc.) to enable natural syntax for building SQL queries. It also provides additional methods for SQL-specific operations like IN, LIKE, and NULL comparisons.
Class Methods
- Name
- Return type
- bool
- Description
Implements SQL IN operator. Checks if the field's value is in a sequence of values.
- Name
- Return type
- bool
- Description
Implements SQL NOT IN operator. Checks if the field's value is not in a sequence of values.
- Name
- Return type
- bool
- Description
Implements SQL LIKE operator for pattern matching. Case-sensitive string pattern matching.
- Name
- Return type
- bool
- Description
Implements SQL NOT LIKE operator. Case-sensitive string pattern non-matching.
- Name
- Return type
- bool
- Description
Implements PostgreSQL ILIKE operator. Case-insensitive string pattern matching.
- Name
- Return type
- bool
- Description
Implements PostgreSQL NOT ILIKE operator. Case-insensitive string pattern non-matching.
- Name
- Return type
- tuple[QueryLiteral, list[Any]]
- Description
Abstract method to convert the field to its SQL representation. Must be implemented by subclasses.
# ComparisonBase enables these operations on database fields: User.age >= 21 User.status == "active" User.name.like("%John%") User.role.in_(["admin", "moderator"]) User.deleted_at.is_(None)
A global instance of FunctionBuilder that provides SQL function operations for use in queries. This instance offers a comprehensive set of SQL functions including aggregates, string operations, mathematical functions, date/time manipulations, and type conversions.
Available function categories:
- Aggregate Functions: count, sum, avg, min, max, array_agg, string_agg
- String Functions: lower, upper, length, trim, substring
- Mathematical Functions: abs, round, ceil, floor, power, sqrt
- Date/Time Functions: date_trunc, date_part, extract, age, date
- Type Conversion: cast, to_char, to_number, to_timestamp
from iceaxe import func, select # Aggregate functions total_users = await conn.execute(select(func.count(User.id))) avg_salary = await conn.execute(select(func.avg(Employee.salary))) unique_statuses = await conn.execute(select(func.distinct(User.status))) # String operations users = await conn.execute(select(( User.id, func.lower(User.name), func.upper(User.email), func.length(User.bio) ))) # Date/time operations monthly_stats = await conn.execute(select(( func.date_trunc('month', Event.created_at), func.count(Event.id) )).group_by(func.date_trunc('month', Event.created_at))) # Mathematical operations account_stats = await conn.execute(select(( Account.id, func.abs(Account.balance), func.ceil(Account.interest_rate) ))) # Type conversions converted = await conn.execute(select(( func.cast(User.string_id, int), func.to_char(User.created_at, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), func.cast(User.status_str, UserStatus) ))) # Complex aggregations department_stats = await conn.execute( select(( Department.name, func.array_agg(Employee.name), func.string_agg(Employee.email, ','), func.sum(Employee.salary) )).group_by(Department.name) )
Builder class for SQL aggregate functions and other SQL operations. Provides a Pythonic interface for creating SQL function calls with proper type hints.
This class is typically accessed through the global func
Class Methods
- Name
- Return type
- int
- Description
Creates a COUNT aggregate function call.
- Name
- Return type
- T
- Description
Creates a DISTINCT function call that removes duplicate values.
- Name
- Return type
- T
- Description
Creates a SUM aggregate function call.
- Name
- Return type
- T
- Description
Creates an AVG aggregate function call.
- Name
- Return type
- T
- Description
Creates a MAX aggregate function call.
- Name
- Return type
- T
- Description
Creates a MIN aggregate function call.
- Name
- Return type
- T
- Description
Creates an ABS function call to get the absolute value.
- Name
- Return type
- T
- Description
Truncates a timestamp or interval value to specified precision.
- Name
- Return type
- float
- Description
Extracts a subfield from a date/time value.
- Name
- Return type
- int
- Description
Extracts a subfield from a date/time value using SQL standard syntax.
- Name
- Return type
- T
- Description
Calculates the difference between two timestamps. If reference is not provided, current_date is used.
- Name
- Return type
- T
- Description
Converts a timestamp to a date by dropping the time component.
- Name
- Return type
- T
- Description
Converts string to lowercase.
- Name
- Return type
- T
- Description
Converts string to uppercase.
- Name
- Return type
- int
- Description
Returns length of string.
- Name
- Return type
- T
- Description
Removes whitespace from both ends of string.
- Name
- Return type
- T
- Description
Extracts substring.
- Name
- Return type
- T
- Description
Rounds to nearest integer.
- Name
- Return type
- T
- Description
Rounds up to nearest integer.
- Name
- Return type
- T
- Description
Rounds down to nearest integer.
- Name
- Return type
- T
- Description
Raises a number to the specified power.
- Name
- Return type
- T
- Description
Calculates square root.
- Name
- Return type
- list[T]
- Description
Collects values into an array.
- Name
- Return type
- str
- Description
Concatenates values with delimiter.
- Name
- Return type
- T
- Description
Converts value to specified type.
- Name
- Return type
- str
- Description
Converts value to string with format.
- Name
- Return type
- float
- Description
Converts string to number with format.
- Name
- Return type
- datetime
- Description
Converts string to timestamp with format.
- Name
- Return type
- TSVectorFunctionMetadata
- Description
Creates a tsvector from one or more text fields for full-text search.
- Name
- Return type
- TSQueryFunctionMetadata
- Description
Creates a tsquery for full-text search.
- Name
- Return type
- TSVectorFunctionMetadata
- Description
Sets the weight of a tsvector.
- Name
- Return type
- int
- Description
Ranks search results.
- Name
- Return type
- str
- Description
Generates search result highlights.
from iceaxe import func query = select(( User.name, func.count(User.id), func.max(User.age) ))
If you want to add conditions to your query, you can use the where
method. If you pass multiple
conditions to this, they'll be chained together as an AND
filter. To
combine OR and AND predicates together, you can use and_
and or_
Combines multiple conditions with logical AND. All conditions must be true for the group to be true.
- Name
- Type
- bool
- Description
Default: ()
Variable number of conditions to combine
query = select(User).where( and_( User.age >= 21, User.status == "active", User.role == "member" ) )
Combines multiple conditions with logical OR. At least one condition must be true for the group to be true.
- Name
- Type
- bool
- Description
Default: ()
Variable number of conditions to combine
query = select(User).where( or_( User.role == "admin", and_( User.role == "moderator", User.permissions.contains("manage_users") ) ) )
Raw Queries
The SQLGenerator class provides a convenient way to generate SQL-safe strings for various query elements. It acts as a singleton that handles the proper formatting and escaping of table names, column names, and other SQL elements.
The class provides three main methods:
- call: For generating table-qualified column names
- select: For generating SELECT clause elements with proper aliases
- raw: For generating raw identifiers without table qualification
Each method handles both column and table inputs, applying appropriate formatting rules to prevent SQL injection and ensure proper identifier quoting.
Class Methods
- Name
- Return type
- QueryElementBase
- Description
Generate a SQL-safe string for selecting fields with proper aliases. This format is specifically designed for SELECT clauses where unique column aliases are needed to prevent name collisions.
For columns, generates a table-qualified column with an alias that includes both table and column names. For tables, generates a comma-separated list of all columns with their aliases.
- Name
- Return type
- QueryElementBase
- Description
Generate a raw identifier without table qualification. This is useful in specific contexts where you need just the column or table name without any additional qualification.
For columns, returns just the column name without the table prefix. For tables, returns just the table name. All identifiers are still properly quoted.
# Basic usage with columns sql(User.name) # -> "users"."name" sql.select(User.name) # -> "users"."name" AS "users_name" sql.raw(User.name) # -> "name" # Basic usage with tables sql(User) # -> "users" sql.select(User) # -> "users"."id" as "users_id", "users"."name" as "users_name" sql.raw(User) # -> "users" # Usage in query building query = f"SELECT {sql.select(User.name)} FROM {sql(User)}" # -> SELECT "users"."name" AS "users_name" FROM "users"