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View Controller


    slow_ssr_threshold=0.1, hard_ssr_timeout=10.0

Bases: ABC, Generic[RenderInput]

One Controller should be created for every frontend page in your webapp. Clients can override this __init__ function so long as they call super().__init__() at the start of their init to setup the internal handlers.


Each python process has a single V8 runtime associated with it, so SSR rendering can become a bottleneck if it requires processing. We log a warning if we detect that an SSR render took longer than this threshold.

TYPE: float DEFAULT: 0.1


If the SSR render takes longer than this threshold, we will automatically kill the V8 runtime and return an error to the client. This is useful for avoiding blocking the reset of the server process if the React render logic hangs.

TYPE: float | None DEFAULT: 10.0

url instance-attribute


view_path instance-attribute


definition class-attribute instance-attribute

definition = None

bundled_scripts instance-attribute

bundled_scripts = []

initialized instance-attribute

initialized = True

slow_ssr_threshold instance-attribute

slow_ssr_threshold = slow_ssr_threshold

hard_ssr_timeout instance-attribute

hard_ssr_timeout = hard_ssr_timeout

source_map instance-attribute

source_map = None

view_base_path instance-attribute

view_base_path = None

ssr_path instance-attribute

ssr_path = None

build_metadata instance-attribute

build_metadata = None

render abstractmethod

render(*args, **kwargs)

Render provides the raw data payload that will be sent to the frontend on initial render and during any sideeffect update. In most cases, you should return a RenderBase instance. If you have no data to display you can also return None.

This function must be explicitly typehinted with your response type, which allows the AppController to generate the correct TypeScript types for the frontend:

class MyServerData(RenderBase):

class MyController:
    def render(self) -> MyServerData:

If you don't intend to sync any data from server->client you can typehint this function with an explicit None return annotation:

class MyController:
    def render(self) -> None:

Render functions accept any number of arguments and keyword arguments, following the FastAPI route parameter style. This includes query parameters, path parameters, and request bodies.

class MyController:
    url = "/my-url/{path_param}"

    def render(
        query_param: str,
        path_param: int,
        dependency: MyDependency = Depends(MyDependency),
    ) -> MyServerData:
RenderBase | None | Coroutine[Any, Any, RenderBase | None]

A RenderBase instance or None


resolve_paths(view_base=None, force=True)

Typically used internally by the Mountaineer build pipeline. Calling this function sets the active view_base of the frontend project, which allows us to resolve the built javascripts that are required for this controller.


Whether we have found all necessary files and fully updated the controller state.

Layout Controller


    slow_ssr_threshold=0.1, hard_ssr_timeout=10.0

Bases: ControllerBase

Base class for layouts. Layout controllers are used to generate the HTML that wrap a regular view controller. They support all actions that a regular controller does (@sideeffect and @passthrough).

Their limitations: - They are run in an isolated dependency injection context, they don't share dependency injected values with the given page - The current page Request is not supported within render() - Sideeffect updates to the layout don't affect the page state, and vice-versa - Layout controllers can't be mounted as a URL route

One Controller should be created for every frontend page in your webapp. Clients can override this __init__ function so long as they call super().__init__() at the start of their init to setup the internal handlers.


Each python process has a single V8 runtime associated with it, so SSR rendering can become a bottleneck if it requires processing. We log a warning if we detect that an SSR render took longer than this threshold.

TYPE: float DEFAULT: 0.1


If the SSR render takes longer than this threshold, we will automatically kill the V8 runtime and return an error to the client. This is useful for avoiding blocking the reset of the server process if the React render logic hangs.

TYPE: float | None DEFAULT: 10.0

url instance-attribute


view_path instance-attribute


bundled_scripts instance-attribute

bundled_scripts = []

definition class-attribute instance-attribute

definition = None

initialized instance-attribute

initialized = True

slow_ssr_threshold instance-attribute

slow_ssr_threshold = slow_ssr_threshold

hard_ssr_timeout instance-attribute

hard_ssr_timeout = hard_ssr_timeout

source_map instance-attribute

source_map = None

view_base_path instance-attribute

view_base_path = None

ssr_path instance-attribute

ssr_path = None

build_metadata instance-attribute

build_metadata = None

render abstractmethod

render(*args, **kwargs)

Render provides the raw data payload that will be sent to the frontend on initial render and during any sideeffect update. In most cases, you should return a RenderBase instance. If you have no data to display you can also return None.

This function must be explicitly typehinted with your response type, which allows the AppController to generate the correct TypeScript types for the frontend:

class MyServerData(RenderBase):

class MyController:
    def render(self) -> MyServerData:

If you don't intend to sync any data from server->client you can typehint this function with an explicit None return annotation:

class MyController:
    def render(self) -> None:

Render functions accept any number of arguments and keyword arguments, following the FastAPI route parameter style. This includes query parameters, path parameters, and request bodies.

class MyController:
    url = "/my-url/{path_param}"

    def render(
        query_param: str,
        path_param: int,
        dependency: MyDependency = Depends(MyDependency),
    ) -> MyServerData:
RenderBase | None | Coroutine[Any, Any, RenderBase | None]

A RenderBase instance or None


resolve_paths(view_base=None, force=True)

Typically used internally by the Mountaineer build pipeline. Calling this function sets the active view_base of the frontend project, which allows us to resolve the built javascripts that are required for this controller.


Whether we have found all necessary files and fully updated the controller state.