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Core Library

Miscellaneous notes on development and testing the core library.


When doing local development work, use poetry to manage dependencies and maturin to create a build of the combined python/rust project:

make install-deps

This effectively expands to:

poetry install
poetry run maturin develop --release

You can also run maturin just with poetry run maturin develop, which will be much faster to compile, but rust execution will be notably slower.

You'll also need a system-wide installation of esbuild. If you don't have one when you run the build pipline it will install one for you within ~/.cache/mountaineer/esbuild.

External Application

If you want to test your mountaineer changes against a real webapp, you can build a wheel and then add it to your project's virtual environment:

$ poetry run maturin build --release

   Finished `release` profile [optimized] target(s) in 51.28s
📦 Built wheel for CPython 3.12 to /Users/piercefreeman/projects/mountaineer/target/wheels/mountaineer-0.1.0-cp312-cp312-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl

Then, in your other project. If you've already installed a previous local mountaineer wheel, you'll have to run with --force-reinstall to prompt pip to actually swap out the wheels versus ignoring the same version number.

poetry run pip install [--force-reinstall] /Users/piercefreeman/projects/mountaineer/target/wheels/mountaineer-0.1.0-cp312-cp312-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl


It's sometimes helpful to run Mountaineer with verbose logging, whether you're developing new functionality or trying to diagnose a problem. You can set the MOUNTAINEER_LOG_LEVEL environment variable to DEBUG to enable verbose logging:

$ MOUNTAINEER_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG poetry run runserver

Development Utilities

  1. Python Testing

    $ make test

    During testing we also support providing additional test-args that are passed to pytest. This helps you narrow down the scope of tests, add more verbosity, etc.:

    $ make test test-args="-k test_extracts_iterable"
  2. Python Linting

    $ make lint
  3. Rust Benchmarking

    $ cargo bench
  4. Diagnose errors in CI

    At the moment, our main CI testing flows run on Linux/x86-64 architectures. We've observed some behavior there that isn't reproducable locally. To test locally on OS X you'll need build a representative docker image and then test within it:

    ```bash $ docker build -t mountaineer . $ docker run -it mountaineer $ make install-deps $ make test-integrations